At this point of the menu, a description of the legal rules, which fall within, or concern of, the competence of the GVH, can be found. The main responsibilities of the Authority are defined by the Competition Act. In connection with them, the President of the GVH and the Chair of the Competition Council of the GVH jointly issued some notices. Such notices are no legal norms and hence, they do not impose any obligation on undertakings; their function is to reflect the general approach to competition of the GVH and state how the law enforcer will apply the legal provisions, summarising past experience and outlining the practice to be followed in the future. In respect of these latter aspects, they are similar to position statements crystallized from the practice of the Competition Council.
Also the enforcement of certain provisions of the Act on Business Advertising Activity (which are in close connection with the prohibition of unfair manipulation of consumer choice regulated by the Competition Act), of the Act on Price Setting and, as a new task that the Authority has from 2006 on, of the Act on Trade falls within the competence of the GVH.
Legal norms which are though not part of competition regulation within the narrow sense but which contain provisions in connection with competition and, as a consequence of this, tangentially also with the activity of the GVH, are mentioned at point Sectoral rules of the menu.