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Case number:


Type of case:

Abuse of dominance

Undertaking(s) concerned:

E.ON Észak-Dunántúli Áramhálózati Zrt.

Short description:

According to the information at the disposal of the Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal - GVH), ÉDÁSZ discriminated between the undertakings intending to conclude a connection contract with it. While some undertakings were required to submit all the necessary authorisations issued by other authorities, others only had to submit a statement that they are in possession of the necessary authorisations. Furthermore, the GVH was informed that ÉDÁSZ established a list of engineering offices, the plans of which are accepted by ÉDÁSZ. On the basis of the former, the GVH opened competition supervision proceedings on the 28 th of August 2006.


The GVH concluded that it was not proven that the discriminative conduct of ÉDÁSZ would distort competition among the undertakings and would have an unfavourable effect on consumers and it, therefore, terminated the proceedings in this regard.

The allegation that ÉDÁSZ established a list of engineering offices and that only the plans of these would be accepted by ÉDÁSZ was not justified and, therefore, the GVH also terminated the proceedings in this regard.


8 th of December 2010

English summary of the decision in PDF