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Case number:


Type of case:


Undertaking(s) concerned:

Hídtechnika, Hídépítő, Karbantartó és Szigetelő Kft. (The Bridge-technique Bridge-building, Maintaining, and Insulator Ltd.) and Adeptus Mérnöki, Építőipari és Kereskedelmi Zrt. (Adeptus Engineering Construction and Trading Zrt.)

Short description:

Hídtechnika bought 80% of the shares of Adeptus in October 2008. The main profile of both the purchaser and the undertaking group controlled by Adeptus is to provide building construction services.


The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) granted authorisation to the acquisition of Adeptus by Hídtechnika.


Budapest, 20 February 2009

English summary of the decision in PDF