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Case number:


Type of case:

Mergers and acquisitions

Undertaking(s) concerned:

North Hungarian Regional Waterworks (Észak-magyarországi Regionális Vízművek Zrt.), Danube Regional Waterworks (Duna Menti Regionális Vízmű Zrt.) and Tisza Regional Waterworks (Tiszamenti Regionális Vízművek Zrt.)
National Asset Management Council (Nemzeti Vagyongazdálkodási Tanács) and Hungarian State Holding Company (Magyar Nemzeti Vagyonkezelő Zrt.)

Short description:

The North Hungarian Regional Waterworks takes over the asset management of Danube Regional Waterworks and Tisza Regional Waterworks from the Hungarian state, the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) does not investigate the effects of the concentration on market competition.


Therefore, the GVH established in its decision that no concentration is effected by the transaction under investigation.


29 June 2009

English summary of the decision in PDF