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Case number:


Type of case:


Undertaking(s) concerned:

Kiskunhalasi Baromfifeldolgozó and Bács-Tak

Short description:

Bács-Tak Takarmánygyártó és Forgalmazó (Fodder Production and Distribution) acquired 50,1% of the shares of Kiskunhalasi Baromfifeldolgozó (Poultry Processing Kiskunhalas) in January 2007, while the authorisation of the GVH was sought only in May 2007. Since the authorisation was applied for with considerable delay, the GVH imposed a fine of HUF two million on the applicant. The investigation revealed that both Bács-Tak and Kiskunhalasi Baromfifeldolgozó had personnel interlockings with the company Hungerit Baromfifeldolgozó és Élelmiszeripari (Poultry Processing and Food Industry), which is also active in the poultry industry.


The acquisition of control over Kiskunhalasi Baromfifeldolgozó by Bács-Tak was cleared by the Hungarian Competition Authority; however, conditions and obligations were attached to the clearance decision.


Budapest, 9 October 2007

English summary of the decision in PDF