Decision of the Competition Council of the Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal - GVH) Vj-82/2006: Haszon Lapkiadó Kft.
The Competition Council of the Hungarian Competition Authority (Gazdasági Versenyhivatal - GVH) established in its decision, issued on 19 October 2006, that Haszon Lapkiadó Kft. infringed the provisions on the prohibition of unfair manipulation of consumer choice of the Hungarian Competition Act.
In the competition supervision proceedings the Competition Council of the GVH concluded that Haszon Lapkiadó Kft.`s statements on the number of issues of its monthly business publication "Haszon" (in English: "profit") were misleading, because Haszon Lapkiadó Kft. could not prove the truthfullness of these statements. In the present case undertakings were held to be consumers as they are the ones which take into account the number of issues of a publication when considering to publish an advertisement in the publication at stake.
The Competition Council of the GVH imposed a fine of HUF 10 million (approx. EUR 36.400) on Haszon Lapkiadó Kft. for its unlawful behaviour.
Budapest, 19 October, 2006
Hungarian Competition Authority
Communication Group
Further information:
András Mihálovits
Hungarian Competition Authority
1054 Budapest, V., Alkotmány u.5.
1245 Budapest, 5. Pf. 1036
tel: +36-30 618-6618