János Áder, President of the Republic, appointed Ms. Nora Vaczi from 1st of September and Mr. Dávid Kuritár from 11th of September as new members of the Competition Council of the Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH – Hungarian Competition Authority). Their appointments are for a period of six years.
The Competition Council performs tasks determined by law; it decides on the substance of competition supervision proceedings and it also assesses applications submitted for legal remedies against resolutions adopted by case handlers during competition supervision proceedings. The activities of the Competition Council are organised and supervised by the Chair of the Competition Council who is also endowed with the responsibilities of one of the Vice Presidents of the GVH. The Competition Council decides on individual cases in a three- or five-member Council, appointed by the Chair of the Competition Council. In addition to their tasks in relation to competition supervision proceedings the Members of the Competition Council also participate in the competition advocacy tasks of the GVH and contribute to the efforts to disseminate competition culture in Hungary.
When carrying out their decision-making duties in competition supervision proceedings the Chair and the members of the Competition Council act independently: when they adopt a resolution, they are only subject to the law and no instructions can be given to them. The resolutions of the Competition Council can be subject to judicial review.
Ms. Nóra Váczi graduated as a chartered economist from the Budapest University of Economic Sciences at the Faculty of Economics in 2001. After graduation she joined to the GVH, where she mainly worked as an investigator in competition supervision proceedings related to network industries and the media sector. Between 2008 and 2010 she was employed as an expert at the Information Society and Media DG of the European Union, where she evaluated the proposed regulatory actions of the domestic telecommunications agencies from a competition law perspective and contributed to the preparation of the regulatory proposals of the European Union. She then returned to the GVH, where she has since worked in a number of sections in various positions; from 2010 she was a member of the decision-making body of the GVH, then she led the Competition Council’s Decision-Making Support Team. She speaks fluent English and German.
Mr. Dávid Kuritár graduated from the Faculty of Law at Eötvös Loránd University. During his years spent at university he also studied at the Faculty of Law of the University of Copenhagen in the framework of a scholarship programme. Between 2010 and 2011 he was employed by an international law firm as a junior associate. From 2011 he has been working for several sections of the GVH, he has been the leader of the Competition Council’s Secretariat, an investigator in the Merger Section, legal expert at the Litigation Section, and until the date of his most recent appointment, he was charged with the responsibility of leading the Cartel Section. In 2013 he was also employed under an expert-exchange programme by the Cartel Directorate of the European Commission DG for Competition. He speaks fluent English and German.
Budapest, 05. September 2017.
Hungarian Competition Authority
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