The Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH – the Hungarian Competition Authority) has prohibited the continuation of a commercial practice relating to passenger transport on the website in the framework of interim measures and at the same time has obliged the undertakings pursuing the commercial practice in question under the brand name of orangeways to delete the related content from their website.

The GVH has initiated a competition supervision procedure against the concerned undertakings due to their commercial practice under the brand name of orangeways, as it is strongly assumed that the undertakings have been engaged, and continue to be engaged, in unfair commercial practices against consumers. According to the available data, the undertakings among others have not acquired the necessary permissions required by sectoral legislations for their conduct. The undertakings under investigation conduct their commercial practice primarily through the website, and it is via this website that consumers can book seats on various bus services and buy their tickets.

In the course of the competition supervision procedure, the GVH established that the conditions for ordering interim measure were met. This means that:

  • based on the consumer complaints and on the basis of legally binding measures taken by various authorities it can be reasonably assumed that the commercial practice is unlawful;

  • the interim measure is justified in order to prevent further infringements of consumers’ interests;

  • the continuation of the commercial practice would jeopardise the economic competition and

  • it can be found that the measure is urgent and there is no other way in which further financial losses for consumers could be efficiently prevented.

Case number: Vj/100/2016.

Budapest, 21 December 2017

Hungarian Competition Authority


Information for the press:
Andrea BASA
Alkotmány u. 5., H-1054 Budapest,
Tel: (+36-1) 472-8902
Mobile: +36 30 6186618

Further information:
GVH Customer Service
Tel: (+36-1) 472-8851


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