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Case number:


Type of case:


Undertaking(s) concerned:

FarmFaro Kft., Patika Profi Gyógyszertár Működtető Kft.(Patika Profi Kft.), Plaza Patika Invest Kft., Patika Invest Kft.

Short description:

The GVH investigated the market of retail distribution of medicines and the market of the supply of medicines, because the other activities pursued by the undertakings would obviously not restrict competition. Since FramFaro Kft. was not present on the market of retail trade of medicines, neither on the market of wholesale trade of medicines prior to the transaction, the GVH came to the conclusion that it is unlikely that the approved transaction would harmfully affect competition.


The GVH granted FarmFaro Kft. that belongs to the Penta-group led by the Central European investment group: the Penta Investment Limited, to acquire sole control of the following undertakings: Patika Profi Gyógyszertár Működtető Kft.(Patika Profi Kft.), Plaza Patika Invest Kft., Patika Invest Kft. The above-mentioned undertakings all belong to the Patika Profi-group.


20 October 2010

English summary of the decision in PDF