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Case number:


Type of case:


Undertaking(s) concerned:

TRANZIT-KER Kereskedelmi Zrt. (Tranzit-Ker)

Tranzit-Food Baromfifeldolgozó és Élelmiszeripari Kft. (Tranzit-Food)

Certain other undertakings and private persons in the Chicken Branch.

Short description

The GVH authorised the acquisition by Tranzit-Ker and Tranzit-Food of certain equipment and real estate in the possession of undertakings and private persons (Chicken Branch). However, it was later established that Tranzit-Ker and Tranzit-Food had in fact already partly implemented the merger before the GVH’s authorisation had been granted.


The GVH imposed a fine on the above-mentioned undertakings for their partial implementation of the merger before the authorisation of the GVH had been obtained.


14 March 2017

English summary of the decision in PDF