Vice President pf the GVH
The Vice President, who is responsible for the supervision of the professional organisational units:
Exercises, in his/her delegated authority, the rights of employer in respect of the staff members of the units under his/her supervision, except for the heads of the sections;
Supervises the work of and the cooperation between the professional organisational units, controls the uniformity of approach and checks the performance of the tasks given by bye-laws;
Decides about the approval of code of ethics, which are lodged by commercial undertakings having significant market power and are prepared in compliance with the Act on Trade;
Represents the Authority in the Meetings of State Secretaries in the Board of directors of the ÁPV Rt. (Hungarian Privatization and State Holding Company);
Manages the relations with the state and local governmental organs and with social and professional organisations.
[The GVH has two vice presidents. The vice president mentioned above is called throughout the texts on this website "the Vice President"; for the responsibilities, and the secretariat, of the other Vice President who is generally called "the Chair of the Competition Council", see the titles "The Chair of the Competition Council" and "The Secretariat of the Competition Council", respectively.
Both Vice Presidents of the Gazdasági Versenyhivatal (GVH, Hungarian Competition Authority) are nominated by the President of the GVH to the Prime Minister who, in agreement with the nomination, submits it to the President of the Republic. The Vice Presidents are appointed for six years by the President of the Republic. The Vice Presidents of the GVH - like the President - must be nominated within the three-month period preceding the date of expiry of the term of appointment of their predecessors, and the procedure required for their appointment must be concluded as early as one month before the date of expiry of the preceding appointment.]