25 November 2021, Budapest – The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) continues to actively participate in the operation of the international professional forums. The President of the GVH held a closing speech at the joint competition law conference of the International Chamber of Commerce and the International Bar Association.

Although only a month has passed since the ICN2021 Annual Conference hosted by Hungary, the GVH continues to work vigorously on the stage of international competition law. Csaba Balázs RIGÓ, President of the GVH, held a closing speech at the event organised jointly by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Bar Association (IBA) in connection with the annual conference of the International Competition Network (ICN) hosted by Hungary. At the forum, the experts discussed issues related to the international enforcement cooperation between competition authorities and the options of private enforcement actions to the injured parties of competition restrictions and abuse of dominance. The invitation of the two international chambers with a long history is an honour for the Hungarian Competition Authority.

‘At the conference, we had the opportunity to discuss two highly relevant competition law topics. One was multijurisdictional cooperation, the other was antitrust damages issues, which are of great importance to the victims around the world. The latter can also directly affect consumers and undertakings. The improvement of the cooperation between the authorities and consumers, as well as the wider dissemination of best practices is essential and will continue to be a topic for a long time to come’ said Csaba Balázs RIGÓ, President of the GVH, in his closing remarks.

GVH Press Office

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