The GVH published the latest volume of its book series entitled Competition Mirror in English, which will be launched at the international competition law conference

Budapest, 24 September 2024 – The 50th European Competition Day is going to be held on the 22nd of October. The international event, to be hosted in Várkert Bazár, will bring together some of the leading European experts in competition law to discuss issues, such as competitiveness, sustainability and competition policy, the experience gained so far in the application of the Digital Markets Act and the potential and risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence. The Hungarian Competition Authority is also going to launch its new book entitled "Twenty Years of EU Competition Law in Hungary". The digital format of the book is already available on the GVH website.

European Competition Day has been held every six months since 2000, traditionally organised by the competition authority of the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. One of the most prominent professional events concerning European competition law, it brings together international experts to discuss the current issues and challenges in competition policy. The 50th European Competition Day, which is going to take place in Budapest on the 22nd of October 2024, will cover three main topics.

Competitiveness and sustainability have been at the centre of European economic policy dialogue for many years, therefore it is essential to examine the competition policy aspects of these issues as well. While fair market competition provides an essential foundation for stable economic growth and economic competitiveness, competition policy can also contribute significantly to sustainability objectives through instruments such as green exemptions.

On the 2nd of May 2023, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) came into force. The aim of the EU legislation is to complement competition law by ensuring fair and contestable digital markets. Looking back over almost a year and a half, the event will bring together European competition law enforcers to discuss the experiences from the implementation and enforcement of the DMA.

The third main focus of the conference will be the opportunities and risks posed by the use of artificial intelligence (AI). With the rapid rise of AI, it has become essential that the policy areas it will affect are prepared for the potential consequences of its advance. The AI Act, the European Union's regulation on artificial intelligence, entered into force on the 1st of August 2024, making the matter particularly topical. The Hungarian Competition Authority pays particular attention to AI. Consequently, the GVH launched a market analysis in early 2024 to explore the impact of AI on competition and consumer choice. Besides its many benefits, the technology may increase the concentration of AI-based innovation to the benefit of capital-intensive businesses. AI may also have a negative impact on consumer decisions if it is not sufficiently transparent. The Hungarian Competition Authority addressed the issue in two consecutive podcast episodes (Dr. András Tóth, Chairman of the Competition Council of the GVH, spoke in detail about the dilemmas related to AI technology), both of which can be listened to on the GVH Podcast channel, in Hungarian.

In the framework of the opening panel discussion of the conference, the Hungarian Competition Authority will launch its latest volume entitled "Twenty Years of EU Competition Law in Hungary". The English-language edited book delves into the complex relationship between EU and Hungarian competition law and policy.

The aim of the Competition Mirror book series is to provide an opportunity for the publication of studies by Hungarian authors, mainly those that are written by the GVH's colleagues. Two volumes have already been published: "Public Procurement and Competition Law" and "Overview of Hungarian Consumer Protection Law: Principles, Challenges, Actualities". The latest volume of the series, along with the previous publications, is available in digital format on the website of the Hungarian Competition Authority.

The book "Twenty Years of EU Competition Law in Hungary" is available here.

GVH Public Service Communications Section

Further information:

Bálint Horváth, Head of Communication +36 20 238 6939

Katalin Gondolovics, Spokesperson +36 30 603 1170

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